FREMD.ARTIG invites you to immerse yourself in different worlds, to be irritated, to discover the familiar and to make room for the new. An international ensemble, consisting of five dancers and a musician, is dedicated to various aspects of strangeness. Strategies for dealing with it are developed and encounters are tested. What exactly is foreign to us and what is familiar? What do we keep away from, what do we allow, what triggers insecurity in us? Inspired by individual stories and experiences with the familiar and the unfamiliar, the performers open their eyes to their own perception of the unknown, the familiar and the everyday.
CONCEPT & CHOREOGRAPHY Rebekka E. Böhme / CREATION & DANCE Jihun Choi, Gianna DiGirolamo, Laura Andrée Anna-Elisabeth Guy, Alba de Miguel Fuertes, Marcin Motyl / SOUND DESIGN & LIVE MUSIC Oscar Ferdinand / COSTUME Cordelia Lange / ASSISTANCE & ARTISTIC ADVISORY Ortrun Stanzel / DRAMATURGICAL ADVISORY Christina Schelhas / TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Timo Cosmic COOPERATION PARTNER Brandenburg Academy "Criewen Castle
PHOTOS André Sousa & Nashla Abdelnour / VIDEO Keren Chernizon
7th Oktober 2022 | 7.30 p.m. ADMISSION FREE Brandenburgische Akademie Schloss Criewen
8th Oktober 2022 | 4:30 p.m. ADMISSION FREE Brandenburgische Akademie Schloss Criewen
The production is supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK - STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Aid Program Dance.

Supported by: STUDIO2 - Deutsches Zentrum des Internationalen Theaterinstituts, Tanzraum Wedding, Marameo e.V., Katapult Berlin, arts space in exile.
Impressions from the rehearsal process